When potential customers arrive at your website you know you have just a few seconds to hook their interest and encourage them along their journey to buy your products or services. So you’ve spent time making sure your website looks good and is easy to navigate, and you’ve done everything you can to tell the world you’re open for business. But have you? As consumers, we can’t always pinpoint what it is that makes us feel we can trust a company enough to buy from its website, it’s just a feeling we get. As marketers, we can’t afford to be vague, we have to know exactly what we need to communicate. As always, the devil is in the detail; there…
The new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) comes into effect on 25th May 2018. It’s an EU framework which governs how personal data is stored and handled and so has far-reaching implications for businesses about how customer information is collected and managed. What is GDPR? GDPR replaces the current Data Protection Act and aims to improve the security of personal data. It is built on the principle of ‘privacy by design and by default’ which means that organisations must consider the impact that processing personal data can have on an individual’s privacy. Among other rights, your customers will have the 'right to be forgotten'. You can find out more on at the Information Commissioner's Office website, but in summary GDPR…
SEO requires a medium to long-term approach, especially in a competitive marketplace. We work with a number of brands which compete online with major high street retailers, helping to achieve Google page 1 organic search results and better conversions from their online traffic. For these clients, we've applied sound online marketing and SEO techniques on a consistent basis over many months, targeting less competitive search terms to bring in short-term revenue while continuing to work for those high value but difficult search terms over the long-term. It's not easy, but the results are worth it. Three of our SME clients now appear for key, high volume search terms above the likes of John Lewis on the search engine results page,…
Earlier this month we attended the Spring Fair at the NEC in Birmingham – it’s a goldmine for many e-commerce retailers, with 20+ halls packed with product inspiration. Of course, e-commerce was high on the agenda, with back-to-back seminars and workshops about every aspect of selling online. While we were there, we took the opportunity to hear a speaker from Google’s Digital Garage. (Check out Digital Garage here, it’s a fantastic online resource for anyone who wants to boost their online selling and marketing skills). While much of the speech covered the basics, like using Google Analytics data to inform your digital marketing strategy, we were interested by how much emphasis was placed on mobile-friendliness. Why is ‘mobile-friendly’ so important?…
When considering links for SEO, it’s important to think about both external and internal sources. Links from external authoritative sites are an important part of the SEO mix, but so too is a good internal linking structure. An internal link is, quite simply, is a link from one page to another within a site on the same domain. When created with purpose and care, links help the search engines to index more of your pages. This is important because your internal links will, in effect, tell Google what you want to rank for. HOW SEARCH ENGINES USE LINKS Once a search engine has identified your site, it will send out ‘spiders’ to crawl your pages, but these pages will need…