Category: Copywriting

Copywriting helps engage audience

Chadwicks Independent Financial Advisors offer retirement planning seminars to a wide range of public sector organisations the length and breadth of the country. The aim is to demystify financial planning for retirees and help people organise their cash, investments and assets in the lead-up to retirement. The company commissioned our copywriting service to develop the content for a series of high quality printed information sheets for people who attend the seminars. The challenge was to communicate complex financial issues without overwhelming readers with too much information. John Chadwick, Chairman, said: “I am really pleased with our completed suite of financial fact sheets and they will be very useful for our clients and help us to promote a professional image of…
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You need a copywriter when…

Have you ever been in this scenario: Web designer: "Thank you for signing off the design of your new website, lovely customer. How are you getting on with the content?" You: "I’ve not started it yet, but it won’t take me long. I’ll get it to you by Friday." Web designer (Monday morning): "Hello customer, can you let me have that text for your website today, I’d like to get the site live for you." You: "Oh bother, I did mean to work on it but I couldn’t find the time… and then it was harder than I thought it would be… so I did something else instead." And so it goes on. For some inexplicable reason, it can be…
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Why fresh content is like gold dust

In today’s content-hungry world, a lack of news is like having the ‘closed’ sign on permanent display. There are two very good reasons to have an up-to-date news area on your website. Firstly, fresh content sends the right signals to Google which rewards websites that are updated on a regular basis. News articles are quicker and easier to write than detailed blog posts or in-depth articles, yet will tell Google that you’re using your website to share information and provide valuable information to your site visitors. So if search engine rankings are important to you, an up-to-date news area is imperative. (Quality, insightful content that is so good your visitors want to share it and link to your site is…
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